1684 Terracotta Vase
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Chandraketugarh Terracotta Vase with dancers and musicians
This is an Indian terracotta vase decorated with 5 registers vertically.
a) The lowest register has elephants and large palm trees.
b) The second has women dancing with some holding drums, wind instruments and other bell-like instruments.
c) The third register from the bottom has women dancing - all in similar poses in unison - perhaps forming the chorus.
Each of the women is wearing fine cloth, with the folds clearly shown. In addition, they wear ornaments all over their body and hair. Their long hair has been piled up in various styles in a bun.
d) The fourth register contains flowers drawn in great detail. The petals, sepals, anthers and stamen are all shown clearly.
e) Finally the rim of the vase has six men seated carrying the rim on their heads.
All the registers are separated by a neat row of small flowers.
West Bengal, Shunga Period, 1st century b.c. - 1st century AD.
17 x 21 cm
Acquired from a reputed European auction house.
For a comparative example please see the one preserved at the Metropolitan Museum of New York, acc. n. 2002.266.
This item has spent a lifetime being used for the purpose of its creation with the original artist/user. Signs of this life lived heartily may be present on the piece in the form of stains, thread loss, loose threads, holes, tears, color run and other imperfections. Therefore the condition must be assumed to be “not” perfect. More photos of such imperfections will be provided on request.
1684 Terracotta Vase