1472 Antique Kashmir Pashmina Moon Shawl

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Antique Kashmir Pashmina Moon Shawl from Christie's

A Square shawl with apple green as the primary color.

Pashmina wool with motifs of elongated butas in several colors. The complexity of weaving increases with the number of colors employed- and I could count eight. Of these green was and remains a favored color in the region of origin.

The moon shawl (chandar) first appeared in Kashmir in 1680 and is
characterised by its spacious, square field, central moon-like medallion,
with further quarter medallions in each corner.

The apple green ground is mottled and faded a little unevenly, the reds are
a little faded as well.

Some thinning and small losses to edges. Otherwise very good condition.

75 x 73in / 190.6 x 185.6cm

Kashmir, mid 1800s

Acquired from Christie's London.





This item has spent a lifetime being used for the purpose of its creation with the original artist/user. Signs of this life lived heartily may be present on the piece in the form of stains, thread loss, loose threads, holes, tears, color run and other imperfections. Therefore the condition must be assumed to be “not” perfect. More photos of such imperfections will be provided on request.
