1987-B Antique Bengal Textile Kantha with Inscription of Ram

$1,250.00 USD

An outstanding Kantha Textile with verses embroidered onto the layers of fine cloth. 

Uses red, pink and black thread

Negative space used to create the multiple border patterns. 

The central rectangle contains pairs of "paduka" or footprint impressions.

Words appear to be Ram & Krishna (I cannot read the text but the script is similar enough to Devnagri to make a reasonable guess)

This might depict a narrative from the Hindu epic Ramayan. During King Ram's 14-year exile, his step-brother Bharat ruled the kingdom. Instead of usurping the throne for himself, he ruled as Lord Ram's representative by placing Ram's sandals on the throne of Ayodhya. The worship of a person's sandals in his absence, has since then become an idea popular with many. 

Also has a row of 23 men. 

has 11 concentric rectangles of text with borders separating the rectangles from each other. Every border has unique motifs. 

Has minor stains and thread-wear

33 x 38 inches approximately. The cloth is not a perfect rectangle and has warped with the smocking stitches. 

Early 1900s

Kanthas with inscription are rare.