486 Old Tibetan Ghau with Amber Coral Necklace - Himalayan Jewelry

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Antique Tibetan Ghau Turquoise, coral, silver, gold and amber

Estimated to be 18th Century  (from the 1700s) or earlier

Acquired after a long discussions with a reluctant dealer that went on for over two years.

This piece has occupied the hearts of all the owners and find it very hard to let it go!

Perfect for a Museum or Tibetologist

Also perfect for a Style Connoisseur





This item has spent a lifetime being used for the purpose of its creation with the original artist/user. Signs of this life lived heartily may be present on the piece in the form of stains, thread loss, loose threads, holes, tears, color run and other imperfections. Therefore the condition must be assumed to be “not” perfect. More photos of such imperfections will be provided on request.
