1073 Antique Silk Mochi Embroidery Skirt Length Gujarat

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Museum Quality Mochi Emrboidery Artwork

Complete Skirt Length mounted

High density Mochi embroidery

Note that the filler elements when turned upside down also present floral motifs as seen in the last two photos. A bit of Escher...

Padded and has rings stitched on for display.

250 cm x 71 cm

Early 1900s

With a padded backing & rings for display.

Minor water stain on the back of the mounting. Otherwise perfect.

Provenance: Nagel, Germany.




This item has spent a lifetime being used for the purpose of its creation with the original artist/user. Signs of this life lived heartily may be present on the piece in the form of stains, thread loss, loose threads, holes, tears, color run and other imperfections. Therefore the condition must be assumed to be “not” perfect. More photos of such imperfections will be provided on request.
